Branching + release management of KDevelop 4.5

Milian Wolff mail at
Tue Dec 18 19:43:03 UTC 2012

Hey all,

I think we should branch off 4.5 and emplace a soft feature freeze - anyone 
against that?

Also, do we have any known show stoppers for a 4.5 release? I really should 
read KDevelop bugs again more often... BTW: The process for that changed, one 
should now (if interested) add kdevelop-bugs-null at to your bugzilla 
user watch list (see

Question is of course also: When do we intend to release the first 4.5 beta 
(together with a hard feature freeze and string freeze). The final 4.5 version 
should then be releasable about one week later.  I hope we can ship this 
sometime in January, as I won't have much time in Feburary I think.

For 4.5 I still plan to fix some C++11 language support bugs before the final 
release. What else do we want to release? Personally, I would mostly be 
interested about also releasing stable versions of "external" plugins:

Sven, what's the status on kdev-python 4.5?

Miquel, what about kdev-ruby - do you think you can release a first 
alpha/beta/final in time with 4.5?

And Niko, what about the ex-Quanta plugins? Can we at least release some of 
them together wiht 4.5 - if so - which? Do they need some work, if so - what 
is required to be done?

Milian Wolff
mail at
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