Broken categories in our templates or kapptemplate?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Aug 23 12:03:29 UTC 2012


I was just trying to create a new Qt/C++ CMake project but was kinda
confused by the categories presented to me. The left-most list was:

Python, Ruby, C++, KDE, Standard

Naturally I chose C++ but that only has KDE (i.e. real KDE stuff, like
plasma, KApplication etc.) and and qmake templates.

I then checked Standard and KDE since the other two categories are
clearly not what I want. Standard has only a C++/Terminal with CMake.
Interestingly the KDE entry does not have a single KDE-related
template, all of the three are CMake/C++ Qt templates - one for tests,
one for gui and one for non-gui apps.

Now before I whip up a bugreport:

Is this categorization intentional as outlined above?

Should the categories in KDevelop or kapptemplate be changed? (I'd
personally fix the kdevelop templates to use the language as first
option too)

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