Getting Style

David Nolden zwabel at
Sat Apr 21 18:14:40 UTC 2012

Am 21. April 2012 20:10 schrieb David Nolden <zwabel at>:
>>> Can you give an example?
>> Yes:
> No clue if uncrustify has an option for this, the setting isn't
> intended and I've never seen such code, to me it looks like a wasted
> line, why not simply put the closing brace behind the last argument?
> Actually, from a logical point of view, the closing-brace _should_ be
> indented, because it belongs to a deeper logical unit than the
> value-declaration (it belongs to the initializer). You can verify this
> by doing recursive function calls, and especially by line-breaking the
> initializer: see

Oh, I just see that it raised the parent to the same level is the
argument, that indeed looks broken, if you find an option to fix it,
we should apply it.

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