Developing the Linux kernel with KDevelop

Milian Wolff mail at
Fri Sep 23 09:21:57 UTC 2011

Alexandre Courbot, 23.09.2011:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> wrote:
> > It tries to figure out some include directories by calling a null gcc,
> > maybe that's the problem?
> That seems to be the case, indeed. In
> IncludePathResolver::resolveIncludePathInternal(), make is invoked in
> dry-run mode to try and figure out the include directories. If I
> prevent this to happen, this directory is not created. The problem
> seems to be that make is run in the kernel source directory (while it
> should be run in the build directory), which probably runs some script
> that prepares the source for building, despite the dry-run mode.
> The call to make is hardcoded no matter the kind of project - maybe
> this could be changed, or even disabled for the generic project
> manager? There is no reason to think that make is used with it.

There is. The reason is make is quasi-standard. Without doing this, our users 
would have to specify *every* include path themselves which is tedious.

Granted, the make-resolver is kinda hackish but so far it works quite nicely. 
I rather wonder why make in dry-mode creates folders. And of course: Try a 
different project manager where you can specify a build folder. "custom make" 
or "custom build system" come to mind.

> > it's what I said on A. I'm not sure what you're going for, though. In an
> > ideal case, one would never need to add include directories.
> If you have a suitable project manager, like CMake, this should never
> be necessary indeed. But for the generic manager, I think not making
> any assumption and leaving flexibility to the user is key.

Yes, but I think you miss the point somewhat: The generic manager is not 
supposed to be used here imo. The generic manager is more aimed at script 
projects that don't require any kind of building at all, nor have the idea of 
include paths.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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