some more

Barade barade.barade at
Thu Oct 13 09:33:28 UTC 2011


it's me again and I have some further questions and suggestions.

If you appreciate some of my suggestions I can/will open bug

reports/wishes but first I want to be sure that I am not completely wrong.

- integrated number conversion would be fine:

integer literals like 0x10 could be converted into decimal, octal and

binary system and shown in tooltip

- file links in tooltips should be able to be opened in new file tabs

- extern "C++" { in GCC headers isn't recognized as C++ code (might be

correct, I don't know what the ISO says)

- when I delete a directory with many many sub directories and files which

doesn't belong to my project but is a sub directory of my project's

directory KDevelop doesn't response for some time, maybe you could improve

its performance here

- when I enable some custom CMake options and newly configure my project

CMake options GUI isn't updated (I use CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION and therefore

some new options should be usable when I use some unchecked ones)

- maybe you could add support for git-archive command

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