Cpp Parser & multibyte chars (bug 274430)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Nov 20 21:22:12 UTC 2011

On 20.11.11 21:24:38, Milian Wolff wrote:
> On Sunday 20 November 2011 19:36:08 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Also you're talking about 'rarely
> > more than 1 mb per file', but the parser usually reads tons of files and
> > IIRC kdev is rather bad at freeing up space it has acquired at some
> > point.
> Woot? I'm not aware of any memory leaks? My KDevelop instance which I got 
> running for the last ~4h with lots of projects only uses ~120MB of RAM. So 
> what do you mean?

I did not use the word leak on purpose. I was purely thinking about the
intial parsing of projects which often takes up quite a lot of memory
which is not freed up until kdevelop is closed again. I'm well aware
that this is at least to a good part due to the way the duchain works,
but even if that only increases by a fourth or so that might already
make things quite worse for some people.


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