KDevPlatform Itemrepository bucket freeItems

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Mar 1 08:36:08 UTC 2011

On 01.03.11 00:33:38, floris wrote:
> I made a basic implementation of an intrusive red-black tree (it's very
> generic!), made the freeItem class and updated the buckets algorithms to
> use these trees. it compiles, but it keeps getting new segfaults:p
> so it'll take a few days probably to fix those and then i will send the
> patches.

May I ask why? Isn't there already an implementation of a rb-tree thats
suitable for your use? If there is nothing in the stl, maybe boost has
something (we already require it for one of our plugins)? IMHO KDevelop
already has enough code that 'duplicates' other people's work.


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