Google Summer of Code idea : integrate Karbon in KDevelop

Denis Steckelmacher steckdenis at
Mon Jan 24 16:33:18 UTC 2011


The Google Summer of Code having been announced, I propose an idea that could make KDevelop better, 
and that can ease the use of a promising Free technology : SVG.

One day, I read an article about the advantages of Flash over SVG. It's main avantage for the developer was 
that Adobe provides a very good IDE to develop complex Flash applications. This IDE provides a good 
vectorial editor and a good script editor. I then searched a Free Software able to propose the same kind of 
integration between the artwork and the code, but I didn't find anything.

My idea is to integrate the Karbon part in KDevelop. Karbon will provide an easy to use and rich interface to 
graphically edit SVG files, and KDevelop will provide a really nice XML and Javascript editor. The same SVG 
file could even be opened in the two modes (graphics and code) at the same time, since I read that 
KDevelop supports multiple views for a same file (currently used to display a file as text and as hex data, as 
far as I know).

If you are interrested, I am eligible to the Google Summer of Code and will be happy to work on KDevelop. I 
will already begin to think about this integration and see how it can be done in KDevelop and in Karbon. Feel 
free to comment this idea and what more can be done to transform KDevelop and Quanta into a first-class 

Denis Steckelmacher.

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