crash on start

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Sep 21 05:22:41 UTC 2010

On 20.09.10 23:49:05, Aleix Pol wrote:
> Hi!
> I've been getting a crash on a system using master and kdelibs trunk when
> starting kdevelop with a session that already had files in it.
> I've been trying to debug the problem a little and I've found out the
> problem goes that way:
> - The same file happens to be opened two times for some reason (dunno what),
> the file that's in the workingset, of course.
> - the first one goes to check it's mimetype using the KIO::MimetypeJob
> - The exec function somehow tries to add again the same file we were adding,
> I guess it's because there's some qApp->processEvents somewhere, not sure
> why.
> - The file tries to be opened again.
> - When the second file is created, we hit: Q_ASSERT(!documents.contains(url)
> || documents[url]==doc);
> Any clue on how to fix that?
> I'm not sure why does that happen, isn't ::exec supposed to create a new
> event loop?

It does, however that just means events are not processed by the main
event loop. So the question is why is the same file being added a second


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