Moving to open

Milian Wolff mail at
Thu Oct 28 17:29:56 UTC 2010

Andreas Pakulat, 28.10.2010:
> On 28.10.10 13:18:23, Milian Wolff wrote:
> > Andreas Pakulat, 27.10.2010:
> > > Anyway, lets stop that here as Aleix said. Topic is about moving and
> > > when.
> > 
> > Sorry but this is an important topic for our project. How can we ignore
> > it and blindly hop over to something where we are not sure how the
> > workflow is going to be? As I said, manual reviews are possible but
> > would mean we'd have to go back to the email-area...
> The problem is that there is basically no choice, unless you want to make
> KDevelop a non-KDE app (i.e. completely loose the KDE eco-system as Sho
> explained on IRC). So wether we go back to mail-patches or reviewboard is
> being used is not an important point (unless you want to work with the
> reviewboard devs on its improvement or on MR's for for moving
> or not or when to move.

Andreas, I didn't say we should not move to - quite the contrary. 
I just want us to have a clear migration path for our existing workflow. Merge 
requests are quite popular for us (imo) and we got lots of contributions that 
way. So we have to have an idea of what to tell poeple on how to contribute 
after the merge.

In my first mail I already explained one way this could work. It's cumbersome 
but it works. I just want to know whether there are alternatives and - as I 
said in my other mail - I cannot imagine we are the only project that used to 
be on gitorious which got contributions through merge requests. How are others 
doing that? The one doing the kdevelop migration should also look into this, 
that's all I wanted to make sure...

Milian Wolff
mail at
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