Patch: TODO highlighting in comments

Dmitry Risenberg dmitry.risenberg at
Sat Oct 16 18:27:01 UTC 2010

> As a side note, I'd love to see also doxygen todos and bugs, i.e. @todo or
> @bug.

I'd like to make the list of todo words configurable (NetBeans does
this), but don't know how to achieve this, because KDevelop plugins do
not support any kind of configuration.

2010/10/16 Ciprian Ciubotariu <cheepeero at>:
> Perhaps a dedicated user-problems toolbox might be better suitable for this
> task. (Which, by the way, I had on my own todo-list to add to KDevelop :))
> Taking inspiration from other IDEs, they do support a filter on "problems" (or
> tasks in Netbeans) based on different criteria: source of the problem (the
> internal parser, user-defined comment patterns etc.), scope of the report
> (current file, current project, whole workspace/session). Add any other ideas
> you may think of for filtering :)
> As a side note, I'd love to see also doxygen todos and bugs, i.e. @todo or
> @bug.
> --
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