Quick open suggestions

Benjamin Port port.benjamin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 20:17:31 UTC 2010

2010/11/25 Milian Wolff <mail at milianw.de>

> Benjamin Port, 25.11.2010:
> > Hello,
> > After discussing with some KDevelop user and looking for <
> >
> http://www.kdevelop.org/mediawiki/index.php/KDevelop_4/User_Testing_Sorted#
> > QuickOpen>, I can identify one problem, users want to use quick open more
> > easely. That's why I propose this.
> > A plugin to replace quickopen or for coexist and let the choice to use
> > The main goal is to allow users to use only keyboard
> Start with a plugin, so we can see whether users really prefer that.
> > -Only one area for outline, and quick open.
> The thing is this: outline is also used for showing the current scope you
> are
> in, I find that often quite invaluable in big functions, if you don't see
> the
> rest of the scope you don't know what you are looking at (i.e. where your
> cursor is).
> Though if you can merge this, it should be fine imo. Actually thinking
> about
> it you are right, the disctinction is mainly for the possible mouse users,
> who
> want to click in either lineedit and start searching. Having to edit the
> scope
> checkboxes by hand would be cumbersome for them, probably. But for
> mouse-only
> users it would make no difference.
> Ok, we can't merge outline and quick open. But at least, I think we need to
rename it, lot of user didn't understand "outline".

> > -Only one shortcut to access it. And display shortcut on the text area.
> I greatly disagree. Outline and QuickOpen are different things and you want
> to
> access them quickly. Hence having two shortcuts is important and *must*
> stay
> this way, same for the other scopes (functions, files, classes, all).

> > -Quick access letter like QtCreator. Display help
> >   -KCM module:
> >     -parameter default comportment
> >       -Select scope of default search (without access letter) and scope
> > order
> >     -parameter quick access letter:
> >       ->Documentation (access)
> >       ->Line (access current document line X)
> >       ->Current document
> > -> Symbol
> >       ->All opened document
> > ->File (switch to file)
> > ->Class (access class)
> > ->Methods (access method)
> >       ->Current project
> > ->File (open file)
> > ->Class (access class)
> > ->Methods (access method)
> >       ->All project
> > ->File (open file)
> > ->Class (access class)
> > ->Methods (access method)
> Can you explain all this? I don't get it...

There is an indentation problem.
It's a way to configure the plugin you can associate a key with each kind of
actions (a key can be assigned for multi item like current
document->methods, class and current project->methods,class)
I'm not sure is totally clear, I try to mock-up all of this tomorrow
So with the correct indentation:
A plugin to replace quickopen or for coexist and let the choice to use
The main goal is to allow user to use only keyboard
-Only one area for outline, and quick open.
-Only one shortcut to access it. And display shortcut on the text area.
-Quick access letter like QtCreator. Display help
  -KCM module:
    -parameter default comportment
      -Select scope of default search (without access letter) and scope
    -parameter quick access letter:
      ->Documentation (access)
      ->Line (access current document line X)
      ->Current document
         -> Symbol
      ->All opened document
         ->File (switch to file)
         ->Class (access class)
         ->Methods (access method)
      ->Current project
         ->File (open file)
         ->Class (access class)
         ->Methods (access method)
      ->All project
         ->File (open file)
         ->Class (access class)
         ->Methods (access method)


> --
> Milian Wolff
> mail at milianw.de
> http://milianw.de
> --
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