Floating Assistants

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 15 19:17:51 UTC 2010

2010/11/15 Milian Wolff <mail at milianw.de>:
> a) it is too unobtrusive, I first thought assistants are broken before I
> finally spotted that
> b) it's not clear that is a tooltip or something context sensitive, it's
> placed at the bottom center and looks like it belongs to the surrounding like
> a tab title, but not do the editor.
> c) it does not use the tooltip style (that would be blue for me). Fixing this
> would probably fix b) as well.
> d) missing margin/padding on the left

At least on my black-on-white version, I think the assistant looks
very good, much better than before. Maybe it could have a symbol like
"!" at the side, to make it more discoverable, but it should not take
up more space.

> e) I would change the text to:
> Declare "int a" as: 0 - local | 1 - public | 2 - private | 3 - protected | 0 -
> hide
> it will always be an in, so no need to repeat that (esp. for fully qualified
> types which might get long).
> Can you improve that?

The goal should not be to compress the text as much as possible, but
to make it as clear and readable as possible. However the problem
about fully qualified types is true. I guess it should rather be
something like this:
Declare "int a" as: 0 - local variable | 1 - public member | 2 -
private member | 0 - hide

Greetings, David

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