Floating Assistants

Christoph Bartoschek bartoschek at or.uni-bonn.de
Tue Nov 9 15:04:27 UTC 2010

Am Dienstag, 9. November 2010 schrieb David Nolden:
> This look interesting. The question is how well it works together with
> code-completion, will the float appear in a position that doesn't conflict
> with the completion-widget? Also it must be carefully placed so that it
> doesn't interfere with the users work. The good thing about the assistants
> at the bottom is that you can easily ignore them.

The current position is a problem in some situations. For example if one 
searches something and the searched item triggers the assistant, then the 
"previous" and "next" buttons of the search are hidden.

And I know enough people that do not know about F3.


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