
Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet at gmail.com
Sun May 30 20:28:24 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 18 May 2010 22:15:10 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> Hi all,
> A question, and I'll try to keep it short. It is about a VERY immature
> funding *idea*. No expectations please...
> The idea is that we do have a dream - make development easy.
> It is about connecting some dots: GHNS/KNX, the OBS, Opendesktop.org
> and KDevelop/Plasmate. I think ya'll know what I mean.
> Example: user works with KWrite, sees an bug, clicks for example the
> 'help' menu, chooses 'develop this app' and 5 minutes later the
> sources are automatically downloaded from svn/git, -devel packages
> installed and he/she is looking at the source file of KWrite in
> KDevelop. Once the fix has been made, click on 'send for review', and
> it's posted on review board. Or published on KDE-apps.org, where
> packages for a dozen distributions are compiled automatically by OBS
> (including feedback on build errors).
> Similar story with Plasmate - see plasmoid, like, click 'edit'
> somewhere, it gets downloaded from GHNX/KNX, you code, and click
> upload to share it (in case of C++, OBS again comes in to compile it).
> Now this is all lovely, and we have most of the infrastructure, but
> the dots still need to be connected. Doesn't that sound like something
> beautiful to have funding for? Yep, it does. However, potential
> investors will want to know how expensive it would be and how much
> time it would cost. Yes, even if you just trow around wild ideas like
> I just did it helps a lot to have (raw) numbers. And as I'm neither a
> developer nor expert in any of the technologies I mentioned, I can't
> give even the vaguest clue as to how much time/effort this would cost.
> So for the two scenario's above, who can throw a thumb in the air and
> guestimate the number of man-weeks/months or say "3 guys/girls, 6
> months" or something? And, also important, do we have the people to do
> it, are there developers here who would be willing and capable?
> Again, I don't have much hope for funding, but it never hurts to try...

Ok all, I know an immature idea with little hope off success might not be very 
attractive - but it never hurts to try. Anyone has any input?
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