The state of the unit tests

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun May 30 19:29:27 UTC 2010

On 30.05.10 20:23:15, Esben Mose Hansen wrote:
> On Sunday 30 May 2010 18:47:59 Niko Sams wrote:
> > >> > 2. some sort of automatic fingering of which checkin breaks previously
> > >> > passing tests.
> > >> 
> > >> That requires writing a tool which updates kdevplatform and kdevelop
> > >> clones to roughly the same revision. Also
> > > 
> > > wouldn't git pull do that? :) I was more worried about the getting the
> > > test result up on the web bit.
> > 
> > the difficulty is to know what kdevplatform revision use for what
> > kdevelop revision.
> Yeah, that is one of our big problems. It makes git bisecting a pain, too. I 
> think this should be fixed, but I do not have the seniority to suggest the 
> right fix. I'm guessing the choices are
> 1. merging kdevelop+kdevplatform (with kdevelop an optional compilation unit)
> 2. making kdevelop have (a specific revision of) kdevplatform as a submodule.

Neither of the two is an option, sorry.

> 3. making kdevplatform a true library dependency
> I personally do not think 3 is doable the way the split is done.

3. is actually already the case, but its natural for an app having a
tight dependency on a library to have the need to depend on
in-development-versions. I've been doing some git bisecting already and
its not all that problematic as most of the time the results are
compilation errors in which case you'll just need a git checkout
<some-rev>  in kdevplatform and a build+install afterwards.

> > And publishing the result could be done using a mail sent to
> > kdevelop-devel. (Actually Andreas had set up that some time ago)
> My server, I fear, is not made for that kind of work (the compilation bit), 
> but maybe my workplace could be persuaded. I'll look into it.

Alexander Neundorf recently worked again on the necessary cmake code to
simply publish the result of a local cmake build to the cdash public
dashboard. We have two projects set up there, but last time I was the
only one pushing builds there and thats less than useful.


You two ought to be more careful--your love could drag on for years and years.

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