Git repositories created and how to work with them

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue May 4 21:33:52 UTC 2010

On 04.05.10 21:39:14, Niko Sams wrote:
> >> And about buildability: The problem is that we have a dependency
> >> between kdevplatform and kdevelop. Usually a specific version of
> >> kdevelop is buildable and runnable only with one specific version of
> >> kdevplatform, which makes "git bisect" very problematic, and makes it
> >> hard to find a buildable configuration. The solution to this would be
> >> putting kdevplatform and kdevelop into the same repository, so they
> >> can be changed within one commit.
> >
> > Thats not really a good solution. I'd rather have kdevplatform not change
> > every other day. In particular the libraries should start to move towards
> > being stable and not changing that much. Apart from that we can easily
> > adjust the version numbers to reflect such changes and make the requirement
> > explicit so you'll get a notice during the cmake run that kdevplatform is
> > too old (or too new).
> >
> I've looked into git submodules and they suck. But one thing is interesting:
> it tracks the revision of the submodule.
> In our case we could have a kdevelop/.kdevplatform-revision file that gets
> updated (manually) at least after every incompatible change in kdevplatform.
> Given that this file is updated correctly git bisect would work again.
> (well, one
> still needs a script that reads that file and checksout that
> kdevplatform revision)

The other option would be making it explicit in CMake. We just need to
use an exact-match on the kdevplatform version on master. Once we're
branching off this would be changed in the branch back to a >=. Thats
actually pretty easy to do and simply requires increasing the
kdevplatform bugfix number after each incompatible change and then
adjusting the required version in kdevelop's cmakelists.txt.

The benefit of this is that you'd be getting an error very early during
the build as cmake is being re-run and that will error out (I think)


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