Git import postponed?!

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at
Wed Mar 3 11:40:53 UTC 2010

Alexander Dymo wrote:
>> To conclude: I'm not willing to push this (move of kdevelop) through
>> against the will of all other people involved with kde-git, but I won't
>> be doing feature work in svn either anymore (that happens when one uses
>> superior tools :(
> Andreas, please, please, don't stop with the migration. The people who 
> complain (they are clearly the minority btw), can't decide for us and I 
> thought everybody here supported the move to git ASAP (if you don't, please 
> voice your opinion now).
> So, unless anyone from KDevelop developers objects, I'd like to ask you to 
> push the migration.
> If you think I should write a mail supporting you on scm-interest ml, let me 
> know.
> PS: especially interesting, is that the person who argues the most, comes from 
> the project (namely koffice) which already uses git and which plans to move to 
> git completely any day now...
Just from my side, who got lots of rants, too, for the creation of the
kate git repo for staging purpose of new stuff,
just ignore the whining.

You do the work for your project, you decide.

If you and the other kdevelop developers want git, use it.

If you increase the development speed of your project with the move, you
don't hurt KDE, you help it.

Perhaps I am bit biased, I have just enough of that rants and people
doing blogs as communication channel to criticize others...


-------------------------------------- Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at
Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
66123 Saarbrücken                      Fax:   +49-681-38360-20
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