Project layout on

Alexander Dymo alexander.dymo at
Tue Mar 2 00:48:26 UTC 2010

> Even if we don't fully support the plugins, it's good to have them in a
> central place so we have an overview what exists, and so that developers
>  who are interested in working (and collaborating) on them can do it
>  easily.
Right, but you don't need to look at the list of plugins. You'd find out about 
new plugins via blogs/mailinglists anyways. After that you don't need a 
playground, you just clone the repo and work together. And it's still hosted 
by the author.

Also, with gitorious you can follow people via rss, so you'll always know when 
they're up on something.

For example, if I started Ruby support in git, I'd create my own repository. 
Anyone interested would pull directly from me and push to my repo. I wouldn't 
need a playground for that.

> We're anyway not enough to 'fully' support every (even working) plugin. How
>  do you want to manage the point when a plugin becomes "supported" and when
>  it becomes "unmaintained" again?
Maybe push changes back to author's repository and remove it from kdevelop 
project? (dunno about privileges...)

But yeah, I can see your point. But that place for abandoned plugins wouldn't 
be a playground, that'd be a blackhole :)

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