KDE _not_ moving to gitorious.org

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jun 11 10:57:42 UTC 2010

On 11.06.10 12:46:08, Milian Wolff wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat, 11.06.2010:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > as not all of you are reading the kde-scm-interest list this is to
> > notify you that KDE is not going to move to gitorious.org and also won't
> > host its own gitorious instance. Instead the combination of
> > gitolite+redmine+reviewboard will be used. For details please see the
> > thread here:
> > http://lists.kde.org/?t=127612960300002&r=1&w=2
> > 
> > The plan is to first move amarok/konversation to the new setup as both
> > projects have sysadmins in their developer-team and then the other
> > projects that are currently hosted on gitorious.org.
> > 
> > One noteworthy thing: redmine allows free nesting of projects which
> > would help us grouping our non-maintained plugins and maintained code
> > into a "global" kdevelop project. Its also easy to move projects
> > around...
> Woot, I didn't see that coming. I remember talking to Tom Albers about Redmine 
> a few weeks ago and he was basically saying: Awesome project but probably not 
> viable for a project of the size of KDE. Lets see how it turns out :)

Some of the sysadmins use it at work as far as I understood (same for
> Anyhow: For KDevelop nothing will change for now, right? We'll continue using 
> Gitorious until the others are in Git and someday move to gitolite right?

We're not going to move in the near future and even if we move there's not
goint to be much change except for the urls of the remote repositories (and
the look of the webinterface).


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