Cmake project loading

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jun 9 20:51:13 UTC 2010

On 09.06.10 12:01:06, Benjamin Schindler wrote:
> Hi
> I just recently completely redesigned the (cmake-)build system for my
> project and it seems I've done something which kdevelop really does not
> like at all.
> The sample project I attached takes a very long time to load given that
> there are <100 source files listed. It seems to me that kdevelop gets
> hit by some infinite loop when autogenerating the source files from the
> xsd files (the files are generated using the codesynthesis xsd compiler)
> Could somebody have a look at this issue?

I just had a quick look and from a first glance there are various errors
because of un-implemented functions. Some are probably unproblematic
(like a missing source_group implementation), others might produce real
problems. For example configure_file is not supported, also
set_source_files_properties and I've also seen at least 1 macro not
being found. 

While I can't pin-point the error to any of those specifically they
might be causing the problem. In particular its completely unclear why
cmake-parser generates such an enourmous amount of repetitions in the
list of source files for the Camera-file.

Unfortunately the cmake source code is not exactly easy to read or
follow, so I doubt anybody will be able to help you on this short-term.
Hence all I can suggest is to attach this project to a bugreport.


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