Threadsafe project model

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jul 17 06:36:36 UTC 2010

On 16.07.10 19:39:59, Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
> On 16/07/2010, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> > Nothing is reading from the model at all in the background threads, the
> > background parser gets 1 item as input to generate a list of subitems
> > from that (i.e. a folder as input and returns a list of newly generated
> > folder items). It also generates targets and file items along its way
> > but those are simply new'ed with the apropriate parent object.
> This isn't correct for CMake parsing, though. KDevelop parses one
> directory at a time, then processes directories added to the model by
> the previous parse pass; while real CMake parses scripts in
> subdirectories immediately when the dir is added, as if it was an
> include().

I don't see how that contradicts what I said. CMake does exactly what I
said, it gets 1 dir-item, parses the folder and generates childs to
return the folder-childs from the parse function.

> I reported this to the bug tracker a while ago:

IMHO its not a bug as long as cmake still parses the project properly
(i.e. targets generated in a subdir are accessible after the add_subdir
call). Our cmake support is not supposed to replicate CMake behaviour
100%, its supposed to generate the necessary information that KDevelop
needs from the cmake files and to populate the language infrastructure
so completion etc. works.


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