Feature: string filtering for code completion [Patch attached]

Esben Mose Hansen kde at mosehansen.dk
Thu Jul 15 15:03:29 UTC 2010

On Thursday 15 July 2010 16:25:59 David Nolden wrote:
> The problem with shortcuts is that they are not context-dependent,
> conflicts are possible, and just because I want the already visible
> list filtered differently, I wouldn't like to push something like
> CTRL+ALT+I. I'd rather just push "*". Especially having different
> $name-shortcut, $argument-shortcut, etc. would add a plenty of new
> shortcuts into our already huge shortcut-list.

One might want to consider that "*" might be a valid part of some function-
name in some languages. Even for C++, there is operator*().

kind regards, Esben

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