Would you please help me with some problems about developing plugins for Kdevelop4

Milian Wolff mail at milianw.de
Thu Jul 15 12:34:35 UTC 2010

On Thursday, 15. July 2010 13:47:13 Xiaoqi Zhang wrote:
> Dear friend,
>          I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of you, with the hope that
> you will be kind to help me.
>          I am beginning to study the kdevelop4 source code, and trying to
> develop plugin for it, but some questions emerged.
>          I found there are so many different reference documentations that
> I do not even know at what point should I get started with learning source
> code and developing plugin for Kdevelop4.
>          Could you please give me some valuable suggestions and send me a
> tutorial on how to develop a plugin for Kdevelop4.
>          I will genuinely appreciate it if you could give me a reply.


First of all, it's good to see new people interested in developing for 
KDevelop. Sadly, there is no real "tutorial" on how to write a plugin for 
KDevelop. But:

1) We have an active IRC channel (#kdevelop on freenode) where - with a bit of 
patience - most questions an answer get.
2) For development related questions, esp. when they are complicated or 
similar, write a mail to our mailing list (you should register straight away):


This way you'll get the most feedback, and not only from one person. 

Now lets talk about how to get into developing a plugin for KDev4. First of 
all, looking at existing plugins should help you _a lot_. Some of them are 
really well documented, and when you compare a few you'll easily see the basic 
things that you need to get a plugin up and running. Nicolas (PovAddict on 
IRC) also provided me with a simple plugin, that you can use as a base to get 


If you have any more question, don't hesitate and ask us. Furthermore, what 
about you writing a tutorial on how to get a KDevelop Plugin up and running, 
documenting what you learn along writing the plugin? You should put it on 
http://techbase.kde.org along with the other KDE-related tutorials.

Milian Wolff
mail at milianw.de
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