Missing "Run Settings" in the KDevelop4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jul 11 19:33:57 UTC 2010

On 11.07.10 05:52:14, Daniel Bazac wrote:
> Hello. 
> I have a problem which it is already mentioned on the mailing list by bludupree, 
> on June 7th: I can't run a simple 'hello, world' program because I don't see the 
> "Run Settings" in the left pane of the "Configure Project" form. I have only 
> Cmake and Make sections. 
> Unfortunately, I didn't find the solution on this developer mailing list where 
> amilcar instructed to ask. :( 
> So, what is the cause and how can this be solved? I really need the help, 
> because I didn't find anything anywhere else. 

Please don't use KDev3 documentation anymore if you use KDev4. It won't
help you at all as basically everything changed.


A few hours grace before the madness begins again.

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