Absolute paths in .kdev4/ dir

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jul 11 19:32:45 UTC 2010

On 11.07.10 15:02:17, Valentin Pavlyuchenko wrote:
> I want to fix absolute CMake paths in .kdev4/<projname>.kdev4
> It now causes problems when moving project to the different path.
> The idea is to use relative paths. I think it's better to store
> relative paths in the new variables near to old absolute paths for
> compatibility of new projects with older KDevelop4 versions (4.0).
> Automatic old project file conversion on open is also required.

IMHO backward compat is not necessary, i.e. projects opened or created
once with kdev 4.1 don't need to be openable with kdev 4.0 (yes thats a
bit of a pita for us developers, but currently the paths are all in
$project/.kdev4 only which is generated config that can be easily
re-created). So if kdev 4.1 converts (upon opening) all paths to
relative ones and writes the same variables back out to the file, thats
fine. Duplicating the variables will just create a mess in the code and
creates ambiguities when both variables exist and the kdevelop version
could handle both. 

Another alternative would be to let kdev 4.1 read the
$project/.kdev4/$project.kdev4 file, but always write out to a
$project/.kdev4/$project.kdev41 file.


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