To freeze or not to freeze?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jan 16 21:43:05 UTC 2010

On 16.01.10 22:25:05, Milian Wolff wrote:
> David Nolden, 16.01.2010:
> > Am Samstag 16 Januar 2010 20:57:14 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > > So apparently people are happy with freezing. That would mean complete
> > > feature freeze in a bit above 2 weeks (if my calendar is correct). I'll
> > > announce it on monday on the list (unless someone objects)
> > 
> > A total feature freeze in 2 weeks is ok, but only if UI tweaks, like making
> > stuff more consistent or renaming it, are not put into the "feature"
> > category.
> Yes, a string freeze should not be started with this feature freeze imo, there 
> are potentially many places where one would want to clarify or add things.

We need to give translators time to actually finish the translations. So
while we can probably delay the string freeze a bit, we certainly need
to give them more than a month to finalize translations - IMHO.

> > Apart from that, there is 2 important mini-features I think that are still
> > missing:
> > - Path-specific source-formatter settings (you wanted to work on it this
> > weekend, so might not be a problem)
> > - A blacklist for project-items, so we can finally get the "*~", ".bak",
> > ".rej" etc. crap out of quickopen and the project tree.
> One would probably just have to port the stuff I wrote for the genericmanager 
> to a base class and reuse it where appropriate.

There's no base class, IMHO would be good just as a utility class that
can filter a given list of urls (or strings maybe) based on some config
from the project. And of course the kcm to configure this.


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