Guidance on developing a new language plugin

Milian Wolff mail at
Wed Feb 24 15:50:59 UTC 2010

Victor Vicente de Carvalho, 24.02.2010:
> > I guess this part of the patch is ok, looks good to me. But how did you
> > generate the patch, since it's in the wrong order (open it with kompare)?
> > You should simply svn checkout and then svn diff -u.
> That's what I've made, but I didn't used the -u option
> > In the while -> for loop change the indentation is not correct, also you
> > can simply pass *it to printer() and don't need the n variable at all.
> > 
> > Other than that it looks good, you can commit.
> > 
> >> and the second changing as little as
> >> possible on code, with implies on doing some ghost flush's (and an
> >> uglier output :).
> > 
> > I guess the -ugly patch simply prints the content of the nodes? Why is
> > the flushing required there, please explain.
> I needed the flush because the printer object uses normal cout stream,
> while qDebug has an stream for itself. So when printing the rules and
> nodes not using qDebug, the output will be messed. So the flush :)

Ok, than go ahead and commit. But please make sure that there is no regression 
for the current users of the parser generator, most notably the CSS and PHP 
plugins for KDevelop.

But assuming it works for Erlang it should work for those as well, but please 
make sure.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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