KDevelop breaks its own duchain repository

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Feb 21 20:16:43 UTC 2010

On 21.02.10 22:02:49, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> >> Is this helpful to anyone here to do something about it?
> > This issue is not related to the duchain repository, but rather to some
> > shell/sublime internal document-management.
> >
> > The problems seems to be that multiple KTextEditor documents are opened for
> > the same file, or something similar, which then leads to the assertion.
> >
> > I've also seen this a few times, but never found a way to reproduce it.
> That's interesting. So I assume this breakage happens at startup when
> documents are loaded... Andreas, could you please send me your session
> and area configurations?

Attached as its not very large.

> Btw, do you really have several views for the same file opened?

No - at least I didn't split anything. The only thing I could think of
would be a second area with a view on the same document...


Afternoon very favorable for romance.  Try a single person for a change.
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