Auto-completion "eats" next symbol

David Nolden zwabel at
Thu Dec 9 20:33:49 UTC 2010

I also find this annoying often, but sometimes not, so I'm not sure.
There are specific situation where the current behavior is simply
correct (for example if you have a complete function call, and just
want to switch the function it is calling).

What we certainly should do first is replacing the text in 2 undo-able steps:
1. Insert new text
2. Remove training text (if it's non-empty)

Then, you can simply push CTRL+Z afterwards if you didn't want the second step.

After that, we could continue our investigation, maybe this would be enough.

I think the problem can be fixed in
Cpp::NormalDeclarationCompletionItem::execute (I guess php has a copy
of this code?)

Greetings, David

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