Request for review: Okteta plugin 0.1.0 for KDevelop 4.0

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Aug 26 00:05:35 UTC 2010

On 25.08.10 21:48:02, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Mardi, le 24 août 2010, à 20:40, Andreas Pakulat a écrit:
> > - there's a rendering glitch for the address bar on the left of the
> >   document view
> ? Could you help with a screenshot what you mean?

Screenshot is attached. Maybe its style-related or fixed in trunk
already? (I'm running a 3-week old trunk here currently)

> > - The structures toolview seems to analyze the document from the cursor
> >   position which was kinda un-intuitive when opening it the first time
> >   as the structure information for my elf binary was wrong. Also it
> >   might be good to auto-enable the elf+png stuff, took me a bit to
> >   figure out how to get anything into the view :)
> Alex, what do you think? Andreas could have a point here.

One things I thought of meanwhile are installer-bin's, i.e. a shell
script followed by binary compressed data. In that case it would be nice
to have the structure view show the structure from the cursor position.

Also the structure info wasn't exactly wrong, it was just created from
the current cursor position and hence didn't produce meaningful values.

> > - The strings toolview didn't seem to do anything, everything was
> >   disabled even after typing something into the lineedit.
> > 
> > - The statistics toolview also seems to be not really useful. The button
> >   is disabled and the table doesn't show anything.
> You first have to select some data to use the tools on :)

Ah, I could've sworn I did try them with a selection...

> I once decided against auto-selection of everything, but it seems not 
> intuitive for some tools for some people. Will have to reconsider, if there 
> are more complains.

I was about to suggest adding that info to the tooltip but now I see its
already there. One option at least for the string-toolview would be to
have a widget on top of the itemview that says something like 'please
select a range' which is auto-hidden once a selection is made...

And I agree that auto-filling those might not be a good idea, thinking
of some multi-Megabyte data files being opened... 

> Who would do the import into the kdevelop git repo? Would be nice it history 
> could be preserved...

As I still have an rsync of KDE's svn I could probably do that. I'll
sync that up over the weekend and start working on conversion rules


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