VCS Project integration plugin

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Aug 23 19:58:04 UTC 2010

On 23.08.10 20:30:17, Aleix Pol wrote:
> Hi,
> I revived that plugin I was working on during the last KDevelop meeting, now
> it's a new toolview that displays what changes we have in every project we
> have opened. It's quite useful to be able to see what's the work we have.
> The only very important thing to put is a context menu to expose some
> important actions.
> It still needs some love so I won't push it for 4.1 but I think it can be a
> good thing to have in 4.2. If you have any interest on that please test it
> and tell me what do you think.

How about merging the functionality into the existing project treeview?
(I haven't tried this so far, so no idea how the current Ui looks like)
Also I think it would be nice to have some overlay icon we can re-use in
other places (like the document-tabs, the document-list, the
document-history) and an easy way to add the overlay...


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