background-parser changes: mimetype and partial parses

Milian Wolff mail at
Sun Aug 22 11:59:17 UTC 2010

Milian Wolff, 22.08.2010:
> David Nolden, 21.08.2010:
> > @Milian: What were these changes supposed to be useful for? I though
> > you had chosen the path of synchronously updating sub-context directly
> > through the language-support instead of the background-parser. I think
> > the background-parser architecture is already complicated enough, and
> > really doesn't need these changes. Since there were merge conflicts, I
> > didn't merge them into the movingranges branch now. Or was this just
> > some "old" code or something like that?
> > 
> > Greetings, David
> Hum? Sorry but what are you actually talking about? I thought you merged
> master into movingranges branch, and in master I didn't touch the
> background parser in a long time. (afair)
> Only multilang contains changes which where reverted later on again.

Just checked again:

milian at odin:~/projects/kde4/kdevplatform|master$ git log --pretty=oneline 
9939f99ba856dae0015eafd47b354c7a4e97d7ad +const&+
9cb962b101575044109be70bdc24ad39be793428 Introduce new cleanupSmartRevision() 
method which must be called before exiting the run() method if 
contentsAvailableFromEditor() returned tr

These commits where done in april and feburary of this year.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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