Okteta plugin for KDevelop moved to kdereview

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Wed Aug 18 22:59:22 UTC 2010


I have moved the Okteta plugin for KDevelop to kdereview.

This plugin enables you to load and edit all files as raw data, like you are 
used to do in the program Okteta itself. It also integrates some of the tools 
from Okteta, e.g. the Structures tool, which Alex Richardson has even more 
improved for the latest release (dynamic analyzing with Javascript). To load a 
file as bytearray, you currently have to use the context menu for a file in 
the Documents, Projects, or the Filesystem toolviews of KDevelop, select "Open 
as bytearray" there. Remember to activate the plugin in the settings before 
that :)

The plugin depends on the latest Okteta 0.5 (as part of KDE Apps 4.5) and 
KDevelop 4.0. Cmake checks are included.

On the mailinglist kdevelop-devel it was planned to have this plugin to be 
part of kdevelop, with optional dependency to the Okteta libs from kdeutils, 
so if not the libs are not there, just the plugin does not build.
The code as it is in kdereview is targeted at the released version of 
KDevelop, 4.0. If you want to use it with KDevelop from git master, you need 
to increase X-KDevelop-Version to 10 in kdevokteta.desktop.

Some blog blabla for more background:

Please give the plugin some review and commenting :)

Dear translation heros, please have the translations moved, too, thanks.

KDE Okteta - a simple hex editor - http://utils.kde.org/projects/okteta

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