Draft: Release announcement

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Wed Apr 21 22:41:25 UTC 2010

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> as we really want to make a splash with the 4.0 release I've dedicated
> some more time and words this time for the announcement, based on the
> feedback I gathered and what I know myself from using it :)
> The attached file is what I have right now, hope the placeholders are
> understandable for everybody. Please comment.
> I'm planning to do some screenshots for KDevelop over the weekend and
> put them together into a blog entry on Sunday before posting the
> dot-article. I'd like to ask Niko and Milian to send in a few for PHP
> support (and php-docs) and everybody else is invited too to take that
> off my shoulders ;)
> I'm thinking about maybe 10 screenshots showing a bit of everything plus
> maybe 4 for PHP...
> So, as I said, time until Sunday to comment on the announcement and make
> improvements/screenshots. That way the dot-editors have enough time for
> proof-reading.
> Andreas
> --
> You will forget that you ever knew me.
> --
> KDevelop-devel mailing list
> KDevelop-devel at kdevelop.org
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First of all, thanks for working on that :)

Are you sure we want to mix both PHP and KDevelop that much?
Maybe another entry would be appropiate for the PHP support alone. I think
that adding the PHP part in the introducion (1st paragraph) can be
misleading/distracting (showing that we might have changed our path or
something like that, which i don't think it is the case). The real news is
that KDevelop4 is out, PHP support is one of its consequences.

Maybe we could consider using 1st person ("we think" instead of "I think"),
but that depends a lot on if you want to make it like a letter from the
maintainer or a team note. (I'm not against a maintainer letter, of course).

Hope this helps,
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