a litle kdevplatform view bug

Кириченко Георгий kirichenkoga at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 08:08:16 UTC 2010

When one workingset is opened in code and debug areas, you can create new doc, 
edit and close it and then have this bug.
Problem is in textdocument.cpp, in save function of TextDocument: method 
saveDocument() from the KParts:Document must be used instead of method save() 
of KParts:Document.
saveDocument ask a file name if url of document is not set.
You have two ask of save or no - when you select no the state document is not 
changed, but it is not right, and in this case any another view of document 
ask of our action. I am use setModified(false) from document to fix this, 
another way is introduce Closing state in document states, but i am think that 
second way is not fully right.
I am have correct this and aplly the patch to this post.

Another bug is: when i am open in debug area workingset from code area, and 
code area has edited documents - platform ask me about saving of documents, 
but nothing should be closed. I am will correct workingset behavior later and 
send patch to mail list to fix this.
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