Moving SnippetCompletionItem to language/completion

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Sep 13 21:23:19 UTC 2009

On 13.09.09 22:18:50, Milian Wolff wrote:
> Turns out that kate already has the TemplateInterface which is just what we 
> need! I.e. my SelectionJumper is obsolete.

With Tab/Shift-Tab or with arrow-keys as David said?
> Too bad I didn't know that before :D
> The interface is supposedly in a bad shape though, so I'll fix it up and reuse 
> it in KDevelop then. If I backport the fixes to the KDE 4.3.x branch, it should 
> be fine for KDevelop, correct?


> I.e. we could increase the dependency for the 
> snippet plugin to KDE 4.3.x?

Yes, as long as that .x has been released before our first rc.

> Though what happens when we push this stuff into
> language/codecompletion?

Not sure what you mean here.


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