API Review anyone?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Nov 22 23:15:30 UTC 2009


I'm wondering wether anybody else is willing/interested in doing a bit
of API review on our public API in
I've noticed some minor things which I'll try to "just fix" (like
missing Private-classes and private member functions).

But there might also be public API that "doesn't make any sense" or
seems questionable. Obviously I can't decide on those things just alone,
but if nobody else is interested I'll just do the technical fixup and
keep the API review for a later release.


PS: We're guaranteeing ABI for the 1.0/4.0 release, that is all
patch-releases will need to be BC, however we can break BC with 1.1/4.1
if we want/need to. 

Don't worry so loud, your roommate can't think.

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