Anybody interested in a KDevelop-Ruby-plugin?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Nov 19 23:28:14 UTC 2009

On 20.11.09 01:12:58, Jonathan Schmidt-Dominé - Developer wrote:
> Hi Ruby-fans!
> KDevelop is a great cross-platform-IDE (KDE project, But 
> the Ruby-support is not yet usable.
> Maybe here are some developers with C++ or Qt experiences who would be 
> interested in changing that.
> What does KDevelop provide?
> -A basic Ruby-parser

Afaik the parser in playground/devtools/kdevelop4-extra-plugins/ruby
isn't that basic anymore. (I mean it already parses quite lots of ruby
code properly)

> -A very simple C++-API (really, writing plugins for KDevelop is very straight-
> forward)

Implementing a language-plugin however isn't.

> -Views for code/class-structure
> -Highlighting
> -Auto-indentation
> -Auto-brace (we would only need a small Ruby-patch)
> -Basic completion

All this needs the language plugin, which as I said isn't exactly easy.
I don't want to scare anyone away by this, just trying to point out that
language support is not something you do on a weekend (or two or three)


Are you sure the back door is locked?

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