New Area-Tabs

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun May 24 12:40:37 UTC 2009

On 24.05.09 11:37:09, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Sonntag 24 Mai 2009 10:00:48 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > Hi,
> >
> > starting a new thread for this as I don't really see where in the mess
> > of threads I should answer. I just tried out the change that David did
> > to show areas as tabs and here's the result for Oxygen, QtCurve,
> > Cleanlooks and Plastique.
> >
> > Cleanlooks:
> > Almost ok, IMHO. Its a little strange that you have two horizontal lines
> > due to the line between menu and toolbar and the new line from the tabs.
> >
> > Plastique:
> > Here the problem with the two lines is a bit more visible as they seem
> > to be drawn thicker and with more space between them
> >
> > Oxygen:
> > This almost works perfectly as there's almost no horizontal lines
> >
> > QtCurve:
> > Same problem as with Plastique and Cleanlooks, even though there's no
> > real line between menu and toolbar, but there's a change in color and
> > that also hovers the horizontal line from the tabbar quite a bit.
> >
> > So if possible maybe we can merge those two horizontal lines and have no
> > space between them?
> I think merging the lines it not possible, as it is alone the styles who draw 
> them, and we cannot do many assumptions. Also the horizontal line under the 
> menu is drawn in another UI element. It would be ideal if we could just move 
> the tabs down a bit until they overlap that line, but no clue how to do that.
> I have changed the tab-bar line to fade out over 100 pixels instead of using 
> the whole range up to the main menu, this looks a bit better.
> I wonder why you don't see the horizontal line in the oxygen style, it should 
> be there as well, like in the mockup. (Maybe after my last patch?)

BTW: Totally forgot, the tabs don't seem to call the same code as the
toolbuttons. The latter work fine, but using the tabs I'm loosing my
opened file-views when switching from code to debug and back.
Additionally KDevelop asserts in sublime/controller.cpp line 162, when I
then try to use the toolbuttons.

Backtrace from the assert:
#4  0xf6bcd8cc in qt_assert (assertion=0xf581a40b "index != -1",
"/home/andreas/src/kdevplatform/sublime/controller.cpp", line=162)
    at /home/andreas/src/qt-copy/src/corelib/global/qglobal.cpp:1786
#5  0xf57f7286 in Sublime::Controller::showArea (this=0x9bcfa80,
areaTypeId=@0xffb24cfc, mainWindow=0x9bcb8f8)
    at /home/andreas/src/kdevplatform/sublime/controller.cpp:162
#6  0xf7c24f55 in KDevelop::MainWindowPrivate::toggleArea
(this=0x9bf9dc0, b=true)
    at /home/andreas/src/kdevplatform/shell/mainwindow_p.cpp:316
#7  0xf7c27567 in KDevelop::MainWindowPrivate::qt_metacall
(this=0x9bf9dc0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=27,
    at /home/andreas/src/build/kdevplatform/shell/mainwindow_p.moc:139
#8  0xf6d0aebf in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0xa7dd168,
from_signal_index=8, to_signal_index=8, argv=0xffb24e3c)
    at /home/andreas/src/qt-copy/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp:3120
#9  0xf6d0c4b3 in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0xa7dd168, m=0xf6ab20c8,
local_signal_index=4, argv=0xffb24e3c)
    at /home/andreas/src/qt-copy/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp:3194
#10 0xf6054008 in QAction::toggled (this=0xa7dd168, _t1=true) at

Don't look back, the lemmings are gaining on you.

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