autotools support

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun May 17 10:00:29 UTC 2009

On 17.05.09 11:50:07, Robert Gruber wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm, "Importing" (as in using Project->Open Project with a
> > should automatically work IIRC, you just need to have the proper stuff in
> > the desktop file for your plugin (see CMake for an example).
> > 
> OMG, you're right! It works...
> I was always waiting for the "Finish" button to be enabled 
> (like when selecing a .kdev4 file). I just didn't get it that 
> I have to click the "Next" button. I had to look through openprojectdialog.cp to get it :(

Can you please file a bugreport about that, so we don't forget it. It
obviously needs to be explained a bit more how to use the dialog.
> So importing "" works too. Although you have to select the 
> project manager manually in the second page. The "Custom Makefile"
> manager's "Makefile.*" filter overrules automake manager's "" 
> filter.
> Do we really need a "Makefile.*" filter for custom makefile manager? I think just "Makefile" should be enough.

Its not, because projects may have Makefile.msvc, Makefile.gcc,
Makefile.unix etc. when they're really using custom makefiles. What we
could do however, is prefer non-globbing rules over globbing rules (or add
a  priority to rules).


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