KDE/kdevelop/debuggers/gdb [POSSIBLY UNSAFE]

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon May 4 21:57:54 UTC 2009

On 04.05.09 18:57:59, Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
> SVN commit 963450 by apol:
> New attach to process interface using ksysguard widget. Copied over to kdevelop's repository until the original is on kdelibs.
> +#FIXME: remove me when in kdelibs
> +add_subdirectory(ksysguard)
> +include_directories(ksysguard/processcore)

Why not compile this directly into the plugin? In other cases the main
reason for having a shared, installed but non-public library without SONAME
is simply that we'd like to avoid double-compilation of some larger parts
and/or sharing of code between different plugins. However in this case I
don't see a necessity for either of the two. And shared-libs without SONAME
are a headache for packagers, so we should only use them if they provide
some benefit.

> +/* KDevelop CMake Support

Hmm, thats probably unintended :)

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