automatic area switching

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jun 25 06:46:14 UTC 2009

On 25.06.09 07:06:56, Niko Sams wrote:
> I'd like to implement automatic area switching for the debugger.
> 1. How can I switch an area?
> IUiController::switchToArea creates always a new MainWindow, and
> showArea is not in the interface.

Alex would have a definitive answer, but I think we should just have a
config option to mload new areas in the same or a new window and
switchToArea should obey that config option.
> 2. switch back:
> - should we switch back?

Yes/No :) Not switching back means less flickering/auto-changing Ui, which
is good for inexperienced users as they're not scared away because the
machine seems to do strange things all on its own.

However for people used to the switching its always annoying having to
switch back manually.

> - if so - when?
> It could be done when the debug session ended. However the user won't
> see the output in the Debug Tool View then.
> So it's probably best to leave switching back to the user.

I assume you mean GDB? I'm not sure how useful that is once the session has
ended. I mean most of the problems for which you need the output from there
are happening during the session.

I think we could have an option for fully-automatic perspective switching,
just make sure to use a stack inside the uicontroller to keep track of the
last-used-session :)

> 3. (different topic) making the editor ready only during debugging.
> - do we want this?

Why would we? I mean I know about the problem with moving breakpoints, but
that IMHO doesn't warrant making the editor read-only. 

So if you think we really need to protect the inexperienced users, make it

> - while debugger is running, or just in the Debug area?

Only while the debugger is running, because thats really when editing the
file produces problems.


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