
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at leinir.dk
Tue Jun 23 07:58:23 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 23 June 2009 08:32:39 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 22.06.09 22:00:52, David Nolden wrote:
> > SVN commit 985481 by zwabel:
> >
> > Don't collapse items on single-click. Since it should be possible to just
> > select something in the project-manager, collapsing the item is often an
> > annoying and unexpected action.
> I don't like this at all. If a single click expands, then another click
> should collapse the tree. Thats the normal behaviour.
> However I agree that its annoying that you cannot select something
> easily. So how about we only expand/collaps on double click?

  Down this path lies dragons. Seriously, don't start implementing this sort 
of thing - we've just removed the custom click handling in Amarok because it 
was a nightmare for both developers and users to keep track of. i said this on 
IRC yesterday as well, and i hope that people will listen to experience on 
this one.

> The QTest toolview also provides a solution by implementing something
> similar to dolphins "+/-" overlay icons, but personally I'd like simple
> double-click behaviour better.

  Dolphin's solution is designed specifically to alleviate the problems 
described above. Please! please use that in stead.

..Dan // Leinir..

                          or no

                          - Piet Hein

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