DVCS plugin interface

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jun 21 21:55:04 UTC 2009

On 21.06.09 18:02:40, Hugo Parente Lima wrote:
> On Sunday 21 June 2009 17:32:25 Lorenzo Villani wrote:
> > On Sunday 21 June 2009 20:18:41 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > [cut]
> > >
> > > So what could work is make the commit dialog non-modal and show the diff
> > > in the editor and have the dialog stay on top, thats a bit like the
> > > find-dialog in kde3/kate and I know its annoying to have to move it
> > > around but the best compromise I can think of right now. I don't think a
> > > commit-dialog like the current find-dialog in kde4 works very well.
> >
> > What about dropping the commit dialog entirely and putting it in a tab
> > instead (which is closed when you press the "commit" button)? Qt Creator
> > did exactly this the last time I used it (if I remember correctly). There
> > would also be enough space to put the kompare kpart.
> I agree, dialogs are evil and put the diff inside then would make the dialog 
> larger, but having a non-modal dialog will be even worst, just try to remenber 
> the kate3 find dialog. So put all in a new tab is a good ideia IMO, because I 
> don't want to do two independent actions to do a commit:
> - go to the context-menu; request a diff of the files that I want;
> - go to the context-menu (again); request a commit; select just the files that 
> I want.

Hmm, I think I'll have to see this in action before I can say wether
this is good or bad. But I don't have any objections to somebody trying
it out.

The implementation will be a bit tricky, ideally the needed
Sublime::Document subclass should use PartDocument from shell/ but thats
not possible as plugins must not use the shell library and hence
wouldn't be able to create the document. OTOH its not that much code, so
copying it for now into the vcs library isn't that big of a concern. On
top of that document you can create a custom view which contains the
current commit dialog plus a kompare part output. 


Avoid gunfire in the bathroom tonight.

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