DVCS plugin interface

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jun 21 18:21:04 UTC 2009

On 21.06.09 12:54:46, Hugo Parente Lima wrote:
> svn diff; git diff; etc is not working, maybe it could use the kompare kpart 
> to display the diff.

Oh btw, svn diff should work, it should diff into a temp-file and display the
temp-file via kate. I know this worked at some point, but of course it
might have got broken.

The problem with kompare kpart (or kdiff3 for the matter) is that we'd like
to actually have more than just display. We'd like to have full editing
capabilities, hence we've decided that for now its ok to have just kate
show the diff file and see that we improve kompare or kdiff3 to include
editing capabilities and then integrate them (the kparts also have very
little API IIRC)


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