DVCS plugin interface

Hugo Parente Lima hugo.pl at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 15:54:46 UTC 2009

Hi, I'm trying to get the git plugin usable in kdev4 and have some doubts 
about DVCS plugins and VCS plugins in general, here we go:

DVCS plugin have some pieces of code that are not called from anywhere and 
some methods that don't need to be different from VCS plugin. e.g.:

KDevelop::DistributedVersionControlPlugin has a pure virtual method:

void parseLogOutput(const DVcsJob * job,
                                QList<DVcsEvent>& revisions) const = 0;

that nobody calls, the git and mercurial (I think) plugins have 
implementations for this method, but useless implementations, because nobody 
calls it.

From kdevplatform/vcs/dvcs/ui I think that just the branch manager is used... 
and (I hope) the importmetadata widget. Some things like log view, commit view 
are redundant and IMO should use the code used in VCS plugins.

svn diff; git diff; etc is not working, maybe it could use the kompare kpart 
to display the diff.

To finish, the commit dialog could show the diff (kompare kpart) when you 
select a file in the file list, because a diff view precedes any good commit, 
and the place to do it is commit dialog.

Waiting for comments.

Hugo Parente Lima
"Precisamos de mais gênios humildes no mundo, hoje somos poucos!"
JID: hugo at jabber.org

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