Launch Configuration Realign (Mockup)

Milian Wolff mail at
Tue Jun 16 18:53:33 UTC 2009

Niko Sams, 16.06.2009:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 19:02, Milian Wolff<mail at> wrote:
> > Niko Sams wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 18:23, Milian Wolff<mail at> wrote:
> >>> Hey guys, just used the launch config window for the first time and
> >>> didn't
> >>> like it very much. Here's what I'd think would work better:
> >>>
> >>> Note: the entry "New Configuration   Native Applica..." is actually a
> >>> launch
> >>> configuration, the name is just the default - don't get confused with
> >>> that
> >>> and the new "new Application" entries.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Changes:
> >>>
> >>> The [+] [-] buttons are not on top of the list anymore. Instead each
> >>> project
> >>> has its own "new application" entry. First time I fired up the windows
> >>> I only saw the projects on the left side and wondered: I don't want to
> >>> add a
> >>> new project, I want to _configure_ their launch stuff?!
> >>>
> >>> This "new application" entry should fix this very nicely. Also the [-]
> >>> button was only activated when a launch configuration was selected.
> >>> Doesn't
> >>> make much sense to always show it then so I moved it to the right.
> >>>
> >>> The list of project now gets the whole space to the right.
> >>>
> >>> What do you think? Should I implement it?
> >>
> >> First: your mockup is very dark :D
> >
> > That will be hardcoded. Maybe even a bit darker :P
> >
> >> I like the idea, but how does adding a new launcher work?
> >> - Do you have to click the green +? or do you just have to select the
> >> new Application
> >> item?
> >> - How does it work with giving it an name and choosing an type?
> >> - And when is a new "new Application" item added - to create a second
> >> one?
> >
> > Ah yes I forgot to talk about that! Let me elaborate:
> >
> > - You click (once) on the "new Application" entry, i.e. on the icon or on
> > the text
> >
> > => above it a new item is created, the "Name" columns is selected and
> > waits for keyboard input.
> >
> > To the right the config widget is shown.
> >
> > If no name is inserted at all and the item loses focus, it gets deleted
> > (think: user aborted adding an item)
> >
> > Note: The "new Application" item will be visible at all times.
> hmm... if you select an specific item in the tree suddenly a new item
> is created.
> Don't know if thats a good idea.

I'm up for suggestions. My only intention to improve on the current situation 
which is - as I tried to explain - very unintuitive in my eyes.

> >> BTW: the inline-editing in the tree could be improved. It's not very
> >> obvious that
> >> you can edit here - especially for the type.
> >
> > I don't really know why this should be editable there - or shown at all.
> >  Could someone explain what is planned for these types? I mean we have
> > the type selection dropdown (disabled) on the right side... Why should it
> > also be on the left side?
> That's a different type.
> On the left there will be more types added like script, website etc.
> Every type provides
> it's own configuration (you have completely different settings for a
> openting website)

What is the type on the right side then?

Milian Wolff
mail at
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