Launch Configuration Realign (Mockup)

Milian Wolff mail at
Tue Jun 16 17:02:08 UTC 2009

Niko Sams wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 18:23, Milian Wolff<mail at> wrote:
>> Hey guys, just used the launch config window for the first time and didn't
>> like it very much. Here's what I'd think would work better:
>> Note: the entry "New Configuration   Native Applica..." is actually a launch
>> configuration, the name is just the default - don't get confused with that
>> and the new "new Application" entries.
>> Changes:
>> The [+] [-] buttons are not on top of the list anymore. Instead each project
>> has its own "new application" entry. First time I fired up the windows I
>> only saw the projects on the left side and wondered: I don't want to add a
>> new project, I want to _configure_ their launch stuff?!
>> This "new application" entry should fix this very nicely. Also the [-]
>> button was only activated when a launch configuration was selected. Doesn't
>> make much sense to always show it then so I moved it to the right.
>> The list of project now gets the whole space to the right.
>> What do you think? Should I implement it?
> First: your mockup is very dark :D

That will be hardcoded. Maybe even a bit darker :P

> I like the idea, but how does adding a new launcher work?
> - Do you have to click the green +? or do you just have to select the
> new Application
> item?
> - How does it work with giving it an name and choosing an type?
> - And when is a new "new Application" item added - to create a second one?

Ah yes I forgot to talk about that! Let me elaborate:

- You click (once) on the "new Application" entry, i.e. on the icon or 
on the text

=> above it a new item is created, the "Name" columns is selected and 
waits for keyboard input.

To the right the config widget is shown.

If no name is inserted at all and the item loses focus, it gets deleted 
(think: user aborted adding an item)

Note: The "new Application" item will be visible at all times.

> BTW: the inline-editing in the tree could be improved. It's not very
> obvious that
> you can edit here - especially for the type.

I don't really know why this should be editable there - or shown at all. 
  Could someone explain what is planned for these types? I mean we have 
the type selection dropdown (disabled) on the right side... Why should 
it also be on the left side?

Milian Wolff

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