Java language support

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jul 29 21:39:16 UTC 2009

On 28.07.09 18:19:02, Stefan Valouch wrote:
> I just succeeded in making the java language plugin from
> playground-devtools/kdevelop4-extra-plugins/java compile. Mainly, I corrected 
> the code to be compiled against trunk API and silent some g++ warnings.
> The patch is here:
> Make-the-java-plugin-compile.patch

I'll have a look in the next days and will commit it then.

> (i think the csharp plugin is in a similar shape and can be made compilable 
> with similar actions)
> Now I'm trying to make kdevelop recognize the plugin. I've installed it, run 
> kbuildsycoca4 and wiped out all kdevelop related files in my .kde dir as well 
> as the complete .kdevduchain folder.
> KDevelop itself does not show which language plugins are loaded

It does, but not in the GUI indeed. Enable the kdevplatform(shell) debug
area in kdebugdialog and then watch the output. If its not there, you
probably have KDEDIRS set inapropriately.

>, and when i create a new project (.kdev4 files based on some from
>another non-java project), KDevelop does only basic syntax highlighting
>(means to me: file not parsed by a language plugin).

Not necessarily, it could also mean the plugin has no highlighting yet.

> What more is required to make it work?

Dunno, look into the code to find out if it even has a highlighter. This
plugin still has quite some way to go before its fully usable AFAIK.

> I plan to put some time into that plugin, but first, i need to know if it even 
> works.

Cool. Keep the patches coming :)


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